About ECS
Chair Sandra Yarwood
Secretary Elizabeth Harrap
Planning & Liensing Andrea Level
Treasurer/membership Chris David
To contact, please email info@earlscourtsociety.org.uk
The Earl’s Court Society represents the interests of all residents in and around Earl’s Court, and works with the Council and other bodies to improve the lives of those living there. It covers the area between Kensington High Street in the north and Fulham Road in the South, and is an umbrella organisation providing help and support to individuals as well as to the many local residents’ associations that subscribe to it.
Its work is carried out largely through a variety of subcommittees covering such important aspects as Health, Housing & Welfare, the Environment, Planning & Licensing, Transport & Highways, Police, Crime & Antisocial Behaviour, and Business. It also supports a number of local initiatives, such as volunteer-led litter-collecting and graffiti-cleaning events.
Regarding the Earl’s Court Development site, ECDC, the Society is lobbying for a good mix of market and affordable housing, green spaces and other amenities, including a new cultural venue on this site an,d will fight to resist densification and high-rise buildings.
To join or support the Society, either as an individual or as a local residents association, please write to info@earlscourtsociety.org.uk